Kobo devices offer better integration with library apps, making accessing free books easier. The open ecosystem allows for greater flexibility and customization. Kobo e-readers with physical page turn ...
Buying books is a thrill, but traditional ink-and ... such as Rakuten with its Kobo e-readers, Onyx's Boox e-readers, and Barnes & Noble's Nook e-readers. And you’re probably wondering why ...
Content options The Kindle Oasis and Kobo Sage can be used with just Wi-Fi, meaning you don't need to have a computer to load new books onto your e-reader. On both, you can actually purchase books ...
The Kobo Nia's main problem is that it's up against a very famous ereader made by a huge tech company – but just because this isn't a Kindle doesn't mean that you should ignore it. The Kobo Nia ...