Brainteasers have been proven to improve your brain age over time - so why not try out this 'empty glass' brainteaser on National Puzzle Day to put your mind to the test ...
Today more than ever we seem to be living in a world that is either viewed as a glass half empty or a glass half full. We are also entering that time of year when we try to see the glass as half ...
The question reads: "There are six glasses in a row. The first three are full, and the next three are empty. By moving only one glass how can you make them alternate between full and empty?" ...
I appreciated the “glass half-empty” tone of Liz Kowlaczyk’s article, “Anger rises over hospital merger,” (Page A1, April 21). However, as a 35-year veteran of the system, I was ...
The first three are full, and the next three are empty. By moving only one glass how can you make them alternate between full and empty?" While some individuals cracked the puzzle instantly ...
Correspondence to Dr John W Orchard, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; john.orchard{at} ...