Cubic hypersurfaces are described by almost the simplest possible polynomial equations, yet their behaviour is rich enough to demonstrate many of the central challenges in algebraic geometry. With ...
To register your interest please contact [email protected] providing details of the course you are teaching. Methods from contact and symplectic geometry can be used to solve highly ...
As a supercoiled structure can be classified using a topological index — the linking number — this conflation of geometry with topology is understandable. White's theorem 6 states that the ...
Research areas include algorithms and theory, computational geometry and topology, and combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms. Received a five-year, $586,654 National Science Foundation award ...
Anna Siffert is a professor of theoretical mathematics. Her primary research interests lie in the field of global differential geometry and its interactions with topology, analysis and complex ...
02/2024, The Moufang Property in Polar Spaces, Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology, Münster University, Germany. 01/2024, Spherical Buildings and the Moufang Property, PostGrad ...