As kids return to school after the Christmas break, it's inevitable that their crisp white shirts will soon be as grubby as can be. Often leaving you battling stubborn stains and wondering how ...
Next time you notice an inadvertent white streak on your shirt, don't panic. We're sharing our best laundering tips for how to get deodorant stains out of shirts. Our comprehensive deodorant stain ...
Method: I always like going with the obvious choice first, so dish soap and water it was. I dampened the stained area with ...
A mum has revealed the unusual product she used to transform three white t-shirts and remove unwanted 'orange' stains with ease ... sure you'll be able to get it out.' But Bernadette didn't ...
A man has revealed a nifty and cost-effective trick for banishing pesky stains from pristine ... I use this on my guy's white shirt and it took out the yellow from the underarms - he was shocked.
There are few worse ways to ruin an outing than spilling coffee, wine or a bright red tomato sauce on your favorite white ... smallest stains on clothes, and I’ve managed to get out tomato ...