Ghostbusters is a timeless horror-comedy masterpiece featuring the iconic Ecto-1, one of the most memorable cars in 80s film history. The Ectomobile’s unique appearance and lived-in quality ...
Raymond Stantz (Aykroyd) pulled up to the Ghostbusters fire station and office for the first time he proclaimed to Dr. Peter ...
The "Ghostbusters" "Ecto-1" is one of the most iconic cars in movie history. So when On Locations Tours gave us the opportunity to ride shotgun in the new version of the car made for the new ...
Although they do not own a replica of the famous Ghostbusters car, they have friends that do, and getting to drive Ecto-1 was "amazing," said Ms Crimmins. Becoming a Ghostbuster at the weekend was ...
The Orbit Rocks event in Wellington, Shropshire, booked the Ecto-1 Ghostbusters car to appear alongside local music and dance groups performing Hollywood soundtrack songs. The car was built from a ...
TMZ has pictures of the iconic car on the streets of Alberta to film scenes from the upcoming "Ghostbusters 2020" The new film is a direct follow-up to the 1984 original and its sequel.