在音乐的世界里,吉他是不可或缺的乐器,而Gibson作为吉他界的殿堂级品牌,一直以来都有着无与伦比的影响力。最近,Gibson宣布将其“定制色彩”系列拓展至经典的ES-335电吉他,这一消息在乐迷和演奏者中引起了热烈讨论。这不仅是一次色彩的盛宴,更是音色与品质的再一次高度融合。让我们一起揭开这款新吉他的面纱,看看它在视觉和听觉上的震撼表现。 自1958年首度问世以来,ES-335就以其出色的音色和 ...
Spearmint, Watermelon, Ocean Blue, Blood Moon Burst, the ES-335 and its AAA figured maple siblings have never looked so bright ...
like Gibson’s own GA-79T. For many players, the ES-345 hit the sweet spot between form and function, offering a little more glam than the ES-335 with the same easy playability and tonal versatility.