Goku and Shin combine into a powerful form that takes the power of the Saiyans and the divinity of the Kai’s, creating a terrifying force for anyone to stand against. Late-Shift Studios paid ...
With the release of Dragon Ball Daima episode 9, the anime saw both Goku and Vegeta's groups deal with thieves. While two Majin stole Goku and Co's three-star dragon ball, a group of Majin stole ...
Dragon Ball Super dub got much deeper into the mystery of behind “Future Trunks Saga” villain Goku Black, and his connection to Zamasu, the Supreme Kai in training, who has a dark, spiteful ...
King Kai is a lower-rank Glind who lives in the Universe 7 afterlife at the end of Snake Way, and Kibito is an acting attendant to Shin. Zamasu, the main antagonist of the Goku Black arc in Dragon ...
Dragon Ball Daima just introduced a new character, who the Supreme Kai Shin claims to be the highest ... In Dragon Ball Daima episode 10, "Ocean", Shin tells Goku and the rest of the crew the ...