Gold Rush is a reality competition created by Mark Burnett and AOL and hosted by Mark Steines. The format is of an internet scavenger hunt that is offering chances to ...
The gold rush was one of most defining periods in Australia's history. It brought wealth, democracy, social change, multiculturalism, and reshaped the environment. Ronan, an irish digger, explores ...
Host Miss Taylor Trash oversees 12 performers consisting of kings, queens, and everything in between battle it out for the glory (and $3000 cash) in this comedic docuseries meets competition show!
This is gold mining at its most extreme. Gold miners Dakota Fred and his son Dustin are determined to make a fortune no matter the risk. Stream full-length episodes on Discovery. This is gold mining ...
With gold pricing reaching new heights, the franchise’s 29-year-old king of the Klondike looks to break more records during Season 15 of Gold Rush ... where you can show up and start digging.