Which plants are good resources for biofuel production ... but the future is phytotechnical green. Ajanovic, A. Biofuels versus food production: does biofuels production increase food prices?
and the numbers that Plaza gave for algae biodiesel efficacy mean it only makes sense for us to head in the direction of the little green creatures as soon as it's feasible: Soy = 40 or 50 gallons ...
The resulting fat can be "converted into biodiesel or polyurethane, a kind of plastic used in waterproof fabrics and many other applications." Algae has already been considered for use in a ...
Green Star Products has finished the first phase of testing of an algae biodiesel pond in Montana. The first pond contains 40,000 liters of water but doesn't contain any algae yet.
Even though algae has long been proposed for things like palm oil replacements and biofuel, there are numerous strains of the green stuff that haven’t really been explored for their potential as ...