the giant robots of Gundam. Four decades after the sci-fi anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam" debuted on Japanese television, plastic models lifted from the saga are as popular as ever. Toymaker ...
Now, the popular anime robot Gundam is set to tower over the ... of such a giant Gundam in the Kansai region in western Japan. The Gundam will be kneeling on its left knee while raising its ...
There are several cool and iconic robots and mecha in anime, with many of these these mechanical creatures recognizable to fans all across the world.
Inspired by the "Transformer" toys, the electric vehicle, called Earth-1, was designed by Kunio Okawara, famous in Japan as the artist behind the long-running popular robot anime 'Gundam'.
The next Gudnam is being produced by the same crew that worked on Evangelion, but the two franchises have long been similar for decades.
Elle Grasso has social media and Japanese robots to thank for finding true love When Elle received a message on social media from a stranger offering to send her a picture of his "Gundam", she may ...
YOKOHAMA--Fans are rushing to Yamashita Pier here to marvel at the life-size moving Gundam robot one last time before the crowd-pleasing exhibition ends on March 31. The final weeks of the run ...
but it’s finally here and audiences in Japan seem to be really enjoying it. In terms of toys, we’ve already had a Metal Robot Damashii toy released of the Rising Freedom Gundam and the ...
Aspiring Gundam pilots unite! Namco Bandai has just released a freemium mobile game where you can build your dream “Gunpla” model robot and battle your way through a single-player story mode ...