When it comes to blood tests, doctors suggest you speak about these six with your primary healthcare provider.
Clinicians determine reference intervals by measuring a blood test in a range of healthy people; the middle 95% of these ...
One of the most common blood tests in the world, CBC tests are run billions of times each year, can be imprecise. Experts are ...
Differences between a patient’s true normal range and the population-based reference interval can create problems for doctors ...
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in clinical practice has been mainly based on the measurement of glucose levels in blood ... that glycated hemoglobin be adopted as the test to define diabetes ...
Data from a Phase 2/3 trial shows etavopivat may reduce the incidence of vaso-occlusive crises and raise levels of hemoglobin ...
A Georgia Tech spinoff company Sanguina recently won funding to develop a smart phone app designed to help monitor the health of women who are pregnant or recently gave birth ...
A new study shows that a routine part of a blood test called the complete blood count (CBC) could be used to help doctors ...
Longtime partners in simplifying blood sample collection and testing, BD and Babson Diagnostics are now making their ...
If you've ever had a doctor order a blood test for you, chances are that they ran a complete blood count , or CBC. One of the most common blood ...
A new study reveals a routine blood test called a complete blood count, or CBC, may help catch serious diseases earlier by ...