Inspired by the true life experiences of Henry Winkler, this series about the world's greatest underachiever returns, following 12-year-old Henry "Hank" Zipzer, whose glass is half full, but he just ...
Henry Winkler, who plays Mr Rock in Hank Zipzer, shares his own experiences of living with dyslexia and tells us a few things about dyslexia that you may or may not know. Featuring: Henry Winkler (Mr ...
author Lin Oliver and celebrated actor Henry Winkler. Co-authors of the bestselling “Hank Zipzer” children’s book series – about a boy with dyslexia, inspired by Winkler’s own real-life ...
Henry Winkler, Author, Lin Oliver, Joint Author. Grosset & Dunlap $4.99 (167p) ISBN 978-0-448-43163-5 A new series—Hank Zipzer: The Mostly True Confessions of the World's Best Underachiever ...