Suggest potential reviewers Make a decision on the paper without further review (the manuscript will move to step ... the SME will evaluate the revised manuscript and either request further peer ...
We recognise the important role of our peer reviewers, offering support and recognition to every member of our network. Peer review is the process of having manuscripts assessed by active researchers ...
One of the core features of the scientific community is the concept of “peer review” where any claims made by a scientist are open to be analyzed and reproduced by others in the community for ...
One of the concerns that arose from the Patrick case was a fear that no physician would want to participate in peer review if he or she could be potentially liable for a bad report. The HCQIA gave ...
Peer review is an essential part of our grant assessment process. Our grant reviewers provide expert and impartial reviews, allowing our grant decision panels to make considered funding decisions.
Despite its importance as the ultimate gatekeeper of scientific publication and funding, peer review is known to engender bias, incompetence, excessive expense, ineffectiveness, and corruption. A ...
See more on how to file on the Peer Review Process page. PRS is part of the WBG’s continuing efforts to create a conflict-competent workplace. The Peer Review process is intended to promote trust, ...
The peer-review policies of the Nature Reviews journals ... on statistics or a particular technique). The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice, from among several ...
The peer-review policies of the Nature Reviews journals ... on statistics or a particular technique). The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice, from among several ...