With a traditional IRA, withdrawals taken before age 59 1/2 are subject to a 10% penalty with limited exceptions, like buying a first-time home. But because you don't get a tax break on your ...
Image source: Getty Images. You need to meet two criteria if you want to withdraw Roth IRA earnings penalty- and tax-free. First, you must be at least 59 1/2, and second, you must have had your ...
You cannot withdraw any funds converted to a Roth IRA within five years unless you're over age 59 1/2. You must deplete the funds of an inherited Roth IRA by the end of the fifth year following ...
Lisa Greene-Lewis: If you withdraw from your IRA or 401k, and you're younger than 59 and 1/2, you will incur an additional 10% tax, in addition to whatever your ordinary tax rate is when you file ...
You can start withdrawals from your IRA without penalties at age 59 1/2. There are exceptions to this rule, however, as certain hardship guidelines allow penalty-free early withdrawals.
The Roth IRA, named after the late Delaware Sen ... you must wait five years or until you reach age 59-1/2 before you can withdraw the converted amount free of the 10% penalty.