To become more resilient to the changes we cannot stop, we need to step up efforts to help people and nature adapt to a warmer world. Find out what WWF is doing. IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and ...
People who live on some Pacific islands are worried they will lose their homes to the sea if temperature rise exceeds 1.5C It is likely to be the most critical and controversial report on climate ...
Figure 1: Sea surface temperature change over the twenty-first century, averaged over 22 climate models for a mid-range emissions scenario (IPCC Special ... in the real world in the twenty-first ...
the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has now published its guidance on what the world can do to avoid an extremely dangerous future. First, the bad news - even if all the ...
the IPCC says. However, there has been progress in some areas, such as the growth of renewable energy and electric vehicles. World leaders meet every year to discuss their climate commitments.
The world is getting close to a point of no return. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released an alarming warning. In this shocking report, the IPCC shared how we’re ...