In their debut film Forensic, directors Akhil Paul and Anas Khan attempted to present the intricacies and role of forensic ...
The Tovino Thomas, Trisha-starrer has strived too much to ground its story in scientific and psychological plausibility, that ...
Tovino Thomas, Trisha, and Vinay Rai starrer Identity movie was released to decent reviews on January 2. The movie is ...
Malayalam action thriller Identity (2025), directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, stars Tovino Thomas, Trisha, and Vinay Rai.
Identity's trajectory at the box office with is much better than Tovino Thomas's first release of the last year - Anweshippin ...
Identity' has finally been released in theatres today. Directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, the film stars Tovino Thomas, ...
Tovino Thomas' latest thriller 'Identity' has had an impressive opening, collecting Rs 1.8 crores in India on its first day.
Going by how Identity pans out in the end, the film would have looked better had it ended on a high at the halfway point, rather than labouring its way through all the tangled subplots.