"The effort of producing high-resolution cryo-EM images is wasted if they are compromised by poor sample preparation," Usukura says. He advises that a good sample for cryo-EM is, most importantly ...
High Pressure Freezing (HPF) is the way to localise or characterise organelles, subcellular components and gene products in EM without the disadvantages of classical fixation methods: HPF gives better ...
In conjunction with the Structural Biology Core Facility, CEMIL enables practitioners of Cryo-EM within MSK laboratories to design innovative experiments and collect the highest quality Cryo-EM data ...
The Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (CEMF) advances the overall UAB mission by supporting the application of cryo-EM in making new scientific discoveries. We provide access and training in the use ...
In this research, we will exchange researchers between Tohoku University and Mahidol University who can provide guidance on cryo-EM. Cryo-EM is a method for analyzing the three-dimensional structure ...
Alpine enables the capture of high-resolution structures using 100 – 200 keV microscopes, making routine cryo-EM research accessible on cost-effective, commonly-used instruments and broadening ...
Scientists at Scripps Research have devised a method that may be able to shortcut one of the big steps in modern vaccine development. Cryo electron microscopy (cryo EM) has revolutionized our ...
The University of Colorado Boulder Biochemistry Department's Krios Electron Microscopy facility (BioKEM) offers single particle cryo-EM and cryo tomography of plunge-frozen samples. The BioKEM ...