Keep a record of all interactions with your insurance company. Maintain copies of emails and jot down specifics from phone ...
1095 Form - a health insurance tax form which reports the type of coverage you had and the period of coverage for the prior year. This form is used to verify on your tax return that you have had at ...
Data and documents are the lifeblood of every insurance company. Yet they also represent one of the biggest challenges insurers face Insurers handle, on average, more ...
North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey announced Wednesday the arrest of 34-year-old Shallee Aleah Smith of ...
Travelling abroad offers incredible adventures and unforgettable experiences, but even the best planned trips can face ...
Applying for Medicaid or CHIP might seem overwhelming, but understanding the requirements and gathering the right documents ...
The eIA application form can be found on the repository’s website or with an insurance provider. Fill in the necessary information, including personal, contact and nominee details. Documents ...