随着游戏图形技术的进步,如光追和超高清画质,CPU与显卡的搭配对于游戏流畅度和画面效果的影响愈发显著。博主测试了包括Intel Core Ultra系列和AMD ...
快科技2月8日消息,只要吕布够强,骑狗,他也是战神! B站博主韭菜实验室找了18款CPU,从AMD到Intel,从50元到4千+,轮番上阵与RTX 5090 D鏖战,结果出乎了所有人意料,开了DLSS4之后,连50元的Xeon E5-2680 ...
B站知名博主韭菜实验室进行了一项别开生面的测试,他选取了18款涵盖AMD和Intel两大品牌的CPU,价格从仅50元的Xeon E5-2680 v4到高达4千多元的顶级型号,与RTX 5090 D显卡进行了全面对决。测试结果令人大跌眼镜,开启了DLSS 4技术后,即便是50元的老旧CPU也能充分发挥RTX 5090 D的性能。
While interim Intel co-CEO Michelle Johnston Holthaus said the company intends to “stabilize” its server CPU market share ...
Intel says its new Xeon 6 E-core CPUs feature up to 288 cores and will enable data centers to significantly reduce energy consumption and space. CRN goes through four important points about the ...
Intel has quietly cut the prices of its Xeon 6 processor family, codenamed "Granite Rapids," just four months after their ...
Cloud service providers increasingly prefer high core-count CPUs, thus reducing the number of processors and servers they ...
As a result, Intel's Xeon 6 CPUs are now cheaper than AMD's latest EPYC 'Genoa' processors both in absolute numbers and in terms of per-core pricing. Intel's Xeon 6-series 'Granite Rapids ...
If Intel hopes to survive the next few years as a freestanding company and return to its role as innovator, it can not afford ...