Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal celebrated the second birthday of their children, twins Aadiya Shakti and Krishna, at the Ambani family’s palatial Mumbai home. Antilia was decked up with flowers ...
Isha Ambani is married to Anand Piramal. The couple tied the knot in a grand ceremony on December 12, 2018. They welcomed ...
Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani were seen cradling their twin grandchildren in viral images and videos. They gave a grand welcome to the twins at Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal’s Mumbai residence ...
Akash and Isha Ambani are the twin children of Reliance’s chairman and managing director, Mukesh Ambani, who happens, not coincidentally, to be India’s—rewind, Asia’s—richest man.
Isha Ambani and her two-year-old daughter, Aadiya Shakti, charmed everyone at the NMACC Arts Café launch in Mumbai with their matching pink Dolce & Gabbana outfits. Isha's sequined dress ...
She paired lustrous pink open-toe high heels with the dress Isha Ambani steals hearts as she twins with her daughter Aadiya Shakti in pink outfits. Aadiya`s dress also featured a cute baby pink bow.
Mr Ambani's older twins, Akash and Isha Ambani, will lead Reliance Industries Ltd's telecommunications and retail businesses respectively, while his youngest son Anant is being groomed to handle ...
Isha Ambani's custom Dolce and Gabbana look is perfect for all special occasions this holiday season. Take inspiration for your New Year's Eve 2025 outfit. Isha Ambani and Aadiya Shakti wore ...
He is married to philanthropist Nita Ambani. Mukesh Ambani has three children: twins Akash and Isha Ambani and his youngest, Anant Ambani, who are also on the board of directors of Reliance.