Nestled atop the picturesque Jakhoo Hill in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, stands the Jakhoo Temple, renowned as the highest Hanuman temple in the world. Perched at an altitude of 8,054 feet above sea ...
The Jakhoo or Jakhu temple in Shimla is an ancient temple visited by several Hindu devotees all year round. Dedicated to the monkey God Hanuman, the temple hosts a big festival on Dushera every year.
Perched atop Jakhoo Hill in Shimla, the Jakhoo Temple stands as the world's highest Hanuman temple. Legend says Hanuman rested here during his search for the Sanjeevani herb. The 108-foot Hanuman ...
One of the most famous Kalibari temples in India, the Kalibari Temple in Shimla lies along the hill station's Mall… The Jakhoo or Jakhu temple in Shimla is an ancient temple visited by several ...