The actor spoke with ET at the premiere of 'Road House' in New York City on Tuesday. Jared Leto shares the first look at 'TRON: Ares,' out 2025! Disney has released a neon-soaked sneak peek at ...
Jared Leto has reportedly landed the role of Skeletor in the new Masters of the Universe movie and fans aren’t thrilled about the prospect of the divisive actor playing another iconic childhood ...
Rockstar Jared Leto's latest casting role has stunned fans. The singer, 52, is set to feature in Amazon MGM’s live-action He-Man outing Masters of the Universe. The actor is taking on the part ...
Leto will play arch nemesis to the upcoming Amazon MGM’s live-action film’s hero, played by the Idea of You star. In addition to Leto, three new cast members have been announced on Friday ...
Jared Leto has reportedly landed the role of Skeletor in the new Masters of the Universe movie and fans aren’t thrilled about the prospect of the divisive actor playing another iconic childhood ...
Jared Leto will be Skeletor in the new ‘Masters of the Universe.’ Nicholas Galitzine and Camila Mendes are leading the cast. ‘Bumblebee’ director Travis Knight is overseeing the movie.