The film, set to begin shooting in February, is the latest instalment of Jaaz’s popular supernatural franchise that first premiered in 2023, capturing the audience’s intrigue with its dark, eerie ...
You will be surprised by all the sci-fi goodies on this magic carpet ride in the fairy tale space opera mashup Aladdin 3477 – ...
That's the FireBreather in the image above, adorned by the red wings that once fronted the Pontiac Firebird, running away from a black cloud of evil in a trailer for the movie Jinn. The Jinn is ...
The film also features Balasaravanan, Imaan Annachi, Vadivukarasi, Vinodhini, George Vijay and Rithvik. Jinn 's technical crew includes DOP Arjun Raja, editor Deepak and art director Dinesh Kumar.
The couple discover that an ancient paranormal creature called Jinn has cursed on Dilek. They seek a cure but instead they learn of Dilek's demons.
Jinn also stars Yasser Al Hadi ... Managing Director and Member of its Board of Commissioners of the Royal Film Commission of Jordan. The five-part series is being streamed across 190 countries ...
Watch Dabbe 5: Curse of the Jinn on Amazon Prime Watch Dabbe 5: Curse of the Jinn on Google Play A series of supernatural horror films from Turkey, typically involving jinns (genies).
Matt Busch, a writer and artist known for his work on the “Star Wars” brand celebrates the first of three futuristic films ...