在音乐的殿堂中,朱利亚音乐学院(The Juilliard School)备受瞩目。每年都有成千上万的音乐人渴望能在这里学习、成长,但关于这所"传说中"的音乐学院,其实还有许多不为人知的故事。在这篇文章中,我将带你走进朱利亚,揭开那些传奇教师背后的真实面貌,让我们一同领略这所学院的风光与幽默。
Does this school fit your college needs? Receive a personalized ranking provided by U.S. News College Compass and find out. Try it now ...
Discover the perfect major for you based on your innate wiring. The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and ...
MSU jazz studies director Rodney Whitaker was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in September.
Juilliard’s renowned Music Division is the largest and most diverse of the School’s three divisions, with some 600 students from more than 40 countries. Its distinguished faculty includes ...
It's been a few years since Wendell Pierce attended a drama class at the Juilliard School in Manhattan. Forty years, to be exact. "I remember it well. High windows and gray floors!" he laughed.
This prestigious performing-arts school opened in 1905 as an attempt to rival European music institutions. Originally called the Institute of Musical Art, it then merged with the Juilliard ...