If you’re bored of the same old sit-ups, give your abs workout a facelift with these five kettlebell exercises. Each move torches the abs, obliques, deeper core muscles and arms in just 10 minutes.
Simple? Wait to do it for 30 seconds. You'll feel your abs wake up... and probably curse you. Kettlebell plank Get into a plank, but this time place a kettlebell under each hand. Hold the position.
It might seem like an intimidating piece of fitness equipment to the uninitiated, but when used properly, the kettlebell has the ability to raise the pulse, torch fat and build strong muscle ...
Exercises using kettlebells get you a lot of bang for your buck since they recruit core-stabilizing muscles, making every movement a full-body workout.
There are a large variety of exercises you can do while holding a kettlebell, such as making core and ab exercises more challenging. You can also work your arms and upper body by holding the ...
this sit-up variation can help you feel the move more in your abs than your hips. Learn how to do butterfly sit-ups using just your body weight, then hold a kettlebell close to your chest using ...
Kettlebells are excellent yet often overlooked fitness tools for tightening and toning your arms. They come in various sizes, and you can build your collection as you increase your strength and ...