Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films created by David E. Kelley. It is a campy throwback to the old creature features. Produced and distributed by Sony Pictures Home ...
Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films created by David E. Kelley. It is a campy throwback to the old creature features. Produced and distributed by Sony Pictures Home ...
I have a soft spot for Steve Miner’s 1999 giant crocodile caper Lake Placid. Much like its monster movie rivals of that year, The Mummy and Deep Blue Sea, it’s endearingly cheesy at times ...
Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films created by David E. Kelley. It is a campy throwback to the old creature features. Produced and distributed by Sony Pictures Home ...
Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films created by David E. Kelley. It is a campy throwback to the old creature features. Produced and distributed by Sony Pictures Home ...