这5,300多名受试者按照2:2:1的比例随机分配接受Lenacapavir、Descovy和Truvada用于HIV暴露前预防(PrEP)。Lenacapavir是一款衣壳抑制剂,每半年一针,通过 ...
图4 已经对信息产生误解的评论截图 第一,Lenacapavir是一种暴露前预防(PREP)的药品,与大众一般认知中的“有病再治”的思路是有区别的。
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics and Heidelberg University have observed largely intact HIV-1 capsids as ...
A new drug is hugely effective at protecting people from HIV infection and needs to be injected only twice a year.
但这并不是《科学》杂志将lenacapavir命名为2024年度科学突破之首的唯一原因。该药物作为暴露前预防(PrEP)的重要进展,其成功源于基础研究的重大 ...
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) targets important cells of our immune system, making infected individuals more ...
Lenacapavir has the potential to transform HIV care and prevention, but only if access is broadened, according to Jose Abrigo ...
It’s all the more tragic because HIV drugs can keep people from catching the virus, and prevent those living with the virus from passing it on. If everyone who needed these drugs could access them, ...