If you have, then you may have been experiencing the beginning of limerence. The initial invigorating feeling, however, gives way to obsessive thoughts of the person that interfere with getting ...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) limerence refers to the intense, consuming need for another person’s approval and attention when you live with ADHD. It’s not an official ...
Limerence is a state of intense romantic desire, marked by constant thoughts about the person, a strong emotional dependency on their attention, and an idealised view of them, ignoring their flaws.
For most of my adolescent and adult dating life, I longed, sometimes obsessively, for someone to want me back. I would waste time and energy fantasizing about relationships with men who I ...
You could be experiencing limerence or even simple lust. It’s all about hormones and other chemical reactions in the brain and body. Everyone is at the mercy of one of Mother Nature’s most ...