Some frogs scream so high that humans can't hear it. Lots of frogs around the world use a scream to scare off predators but scientists have found frogs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest that can ...
There are nearly 8000 species of frogs and toads around the world. Does it really matter if a few species go extinct? Well – there are lots of surprising and important reasons that we need them.
As long as gray tree frogs live in a humid environment with lots of space to explore, they’ll be content. They will happily eat a variety of live food, such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms.
Consequently, frogs are among the most vocal of vertebrate animals (birds fly, so they vocalize a lot as well!). Frogs in New York fall into four major groups (families) linked by anatomy and other ...
“It had a huge effect. We have lots of reports of people who were in the high country and watched these changes take place. This frog that was the most abundant amphibian around. Within a few ...