which will power up the Evija’s batteries to 80 per cent in as little as 12 minutes. Lotus has announced targeted performance figures too, with the 0-62mph figure of under three seconds expected ...
This is the Lotus Theory 1, a new electric-powered concept that’s the biggest statement of intent from the reinvented sports car brand since the Lotus Evija ushered in its Geely-owned era.
Lotus is already experimenting with electrification with its Evija hypercar, which goes into production at the end of the year The sportscar maker Lotus has announced that a new model, to be ...
The Geely era was kickstarted by the 2019 announcement of the Lotus Evjia, a brave zero-emission hypercar that is nearing the end of an exhaustive development cycle. Costing around £2m, the Evija is ...