Based on the popular video game of the same name "Mortal Kombat" tells the story of an ancient tournament where the best of the best of different Realms fight each other. The goal: 10 wins to be ...
Mortal Kombat is an ancient tournament where ... the peace on Earth for one more generation. Taking place now where the first movie left off, the Earth realm warriors live a short period of ...
and "Mortal Kombat: Federation of the Arts" (2000). He has appeared as "commentator" in several TV movies and he also did an ice bucket challenge video last summer.
Quan Chi will be in Mortal Kombat 2, which is paying off a 27-year-old tease from the worst Mortal Kombat movie. There have ... as part of the Mortal Kombat 2 cast, first appeared in 1996 ...