Madhubala, the iconic Bollywood beauty, had a tumultuous personal life. Her marriage to Kishore Kumar was fraught with difficulties, particularly after her heart condition worsened. He reportedly ...
She is none other than Madhubala. She came from a humble background, and with her grit and determination, Madhubala won hearts with her first film Basant. She soon climbed the ladder of stardom.
Dilip Kumar, before marrying Saira Banu, was in love with Madhubala. After his marriage, Madhubala expressed her desire to meet him. Saira Banu encouraged the meeting. During their final encounter ...
Madhubala, the lone elephant left at Karachi Zoo, had just been shifted to these bigger premises and was going to be making her first public appearance here. On the other side of the fence ...
“The aim of the whole exercise was to improve Madhubala’s living conditions. She was confined to a limited space at the zoo and suffered from loneliness after Noor Jehan’s death. Both ...