Meanwhile, Mammootty recently posted a stylish photo on his social media platform which is going viral now. However, amidst all the reactions, Mammootty's son Dulquer Salmaan's comment has caught ...
Lucky Bashkar star Dulquer Salmaan isn’t that lucky when it comes to his superstar father, Mammootty, approving his film choices. Dulquer Salmaan, the prince of Mollywood, is now the new ...
A photo of Mammootty with filmmaker-actor Major Ravi from a flight is doing the rounds on social media, with some netizens claiming that the megastar was on his way to Baku in Azerbaijan for the ...
Tovino Thomas and Grace Antony had similar experiences, adding to the amusement. Even veteran actor Mammootty playfully became part of the trend when a child initially missed his handshake gesture.
Actor Mammootty visited the residence of late M.T. Vasudevan Nair in Kozhikode on Friday (January 3) and consoled his family members. Mr. Mammootty could not visit his mentor before he passed away ...