It was a historical day for Porirua-based iwi Ngāti Toa Rangatira, which has retaken ownership of Kāpiti and Mana islands off ...
Gisborne District Council acquired land from Ngāi Tāmanuhiri for water supply, sparking disputes. Researcher Jane Luiten’s report highlighted historical injustices and led to a new strategic ...
“As mana whenua, we laid down Te Kahu o te Raukura to ensure the Hīkoi was conducted in accordance with our tikanga of peace, honour and goodwill, and that was achieved. "We mihi to Te Arikinui ...
The pou whenua - carved posts marking out boundaries or places of significance to Māori - were at Medlands Beach, close to ...
A historical day for Porirua based iwi Ngāti Toa Rangatira, which has retaken ownership of Kapiti and Mana islands, off the southwest coast of the lower North Island, after they were taken from them ...
‘There’s just so much interest and connectivity, with indigenous knowledge being foregrounded and working with mana whenua in different regions,’ says Bridgman. ‘Working out the tikanga in each region ...
Porirua-based iwi Ngāti Toa Rangatira has retaken ownership of Kāpiti and Mana Islands, 10 years after its Treaty of Waitangi ...
A critical examination of the personal and professional self as Mana Whenua or Mana Tiriti, social citizenship and active responsibility in advancing Mana Whenua aspirations. There is active ...
A take on land ownership that challenges how we often think about property, access and our connection to the whenua.