"Kid Kalufu" tells the story of Manny Pacquiao's early life as a poor kid living in the Philippines that would eventually become one of the greatest boxers of his generation. Follow BI Video ...
Mrs Pacquiao said that ... the noise and chaos of life in the big city, said Jinkee Pacquiao. Her four children are doing really well after she and her husband, Manny, transferred them.
Princess Pacquio, 18 (right photo), describes her life as a college student in a public university in England. Right photo shows (L-R) Princess, brother Israel, mom Jinkee, younger sister Queenie, and ...
Manny Pacquiao ... In the early stages of the contest, everything appeared to be going as many had anticipated. Sasakul's superior footwork proved tricky to pin down for Pacquiao, who followed ...
Manny Pacquiao Jr ... that record as he would be 46. Meanwhile, Pacquiao Jr. is hoping to replicate some of the success of his father. His early career has shown that he is an offensive fighter ...
Manny Pacquiao has been elected to boxing’s Hall of Fame. And the sun will rise in the East. There was never a doubt. The only question was when he would stop fighting and become eligible.