The dispute between the miners' union and Margaret Thatcher's government divides the nation and leads to mass protests outside collieries and pitched battles between miners and the police.
The Adobe Flash player and Javascript are required in order to view a video which appears on this page. You may wish to download the Adobe Flash player. The dispute ...
CLASSIFIED Downing Street files on Margaret Thatcher’s meetings with ... detailed in these files — newly released to the National Archives — took place in 1986. Minutes report that Thatcher thanked ...
When the National Coal Board announced the closure of ... recognition he deserved for his role in breaking the miners’ strike ...
Miners' strike: Margaret Thatcher was prepared to declare state of emergency and use 4,500 troops to break unions ...
Margaret Thatcher with French President, Francois Mitterrand, United States President, Ronal Reagan, and Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev. Footage of protests. Footage of the miners’ strike.