In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Megumi Fushiguro is quite often overshadowed by his comrades, including Gojo Satoru and Yuuji Itadori, but his character's complexities make him one of the series ...
Jujutsu Kaisen has one of the biggest and most diverse casts of characters within the current shonen genre. Although Gojo stands as the series' most popular and influential character, his entire ...
This article contains spoilers from Jujutsu Kaisen's Shinjuku Showdown. Megumi has the potential to rival Gojo with his ...
Megumi Fushiguro inherited the 10 Shadows technique. Megumi had potential to reach Gojo's level of strength. Megumi's growth in JJK was cut short by Sukuna's takeover. Megumi Fushiguro formed the ...