Raysa Geaquinto Rocha does not work for, consult ... to foster attributes like mindfulness, compassion and interconnectedness. But despite its benefits, integration – or lip service to it ...
In an age when home offices, hybrid work arrangements and blurred boundaries ... to foster attributes like mindfulness, compassion and interconnectedness. But despite its benefits, integration ...
This 5-minute exercise could help you find your purpose Looking to find your purpose and greater meaning in your work and life? This simple exercise can help, says this author and life coach.
the idea of sitting in a dark room and meditating for an hour just isn’t going to cut it – but what if I told you that mindfulness doesn’t always have to be so… complicated? Defined as ...
Mindfulness seems to be everywhere – TV ... Two things that people have said they find helpful is the commute to work. That walk to bus stop is done with real awareness with all of the senses ...
The point of mindfulness is not to be more productive at work. The point is not just to relax, either. The point is personal transformation. By cultivating deep, unwavering, honest, openhearted ...
"Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose-in the present moment-non-judgmentally." - Jon Kabat-Zinn. When you are mindful, you calmly accept your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations-even the ...
I bought all the premium subscriptions, did all the research I could and practised mindfulness meditation at least once a day. I really wanted it to work, but besides a few moments of peace and ...