The ABC sitcom Modern Family follows three generations of a family living in suburban California. The show aired on ABC from 2009 to 2020 and depicts the drama the modern-day family faces in day ...
“In a TV show, it’s just like, you’re a mom. That’s it.” Modern Family’s epic television run lasted from 2009 through 2020, earning high ratings, 22 Emmy awards, and amounting to 250 ...
The finale of Modern Family was unaffected by coronavirus as it had already been filmed before the outbreak and subsequent worldwide lockdown. Many other TV shows have been cancelled or delayed ...
Here’s how it works. One of the most beloved TV sitcoms of all time, Modern Family was bolstered by its stacked ensemble cast, and quickly turned stars like Julie Bowen into household names.
Judy Greer reflected on her decision to turn down an audition for the family sitcom "Modern Family" during a recent podcast ...
What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Link to What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Movie Re-Release Calendar 2024 & 2025: Your Guide to Movies Back In Theaters Link to Movie Re ...
"I was just like, ‘I don’t know if I want to be America’s mom yet,'" she tells Jesse Tyler Ferguson of Julie Bowen's Claire ...
Judy Greer turned down audition for Modern Family because she didn’t want to be ‘America’s mom’ - Judy Greer later appeared ...
After more than 15 years, Judy Greer is reflecting on her decision not to audition for Modern Family. The actress recently ...
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons was just four years old when she took over the role of Lily amid Season 3 of the aforementioned show, ...