The movie is an epic-length revenge drama, with homages to earlier film genres, such as Hong Kong martial arts movies, Japanese samurai movies and Italian spaghetti westerns; an extensive use of ...
The Kill Bill Collection is a series of thrilling revenge dramas directed by Quentin Tarantino. Inspired by Hong Kong martial arts movies, Japanese samurai films, and Italian spaghetti westerns ...
with a vengeance. Having been gunned down by her former boss Bill and his deadly squad of international assassins, it's a kill-or-be-killed fight she didn't start, but is determined to finish.
The Kill Bill Collection is a series of thrilling revenge dramas directed by Quentin Tarantino. Inspired by Hong Kong martial arts movies, Japanese samurai films, and Italian spaghetti westerns ...
with a vengeance. Having been gunned down by her former boss Bill and his deadly squad of international assassins, it's a kill-or-be-killed fight she didn't start, but is determined to finish.
Lionsgate has a treat for Quentin Tarantino fans, as the company announced that they will release four of the legendary director’s biggest movies on 4K for the first time. When do the Quentino ...
Lionsgate announced the 4K UHD releases of "Jackie Brown" and "Kill Bill Vol. 1" and "Vol. 2" on Monday. The films come to 4K UHD on Jan. 21, including Steelbook editions.
1 and Kill Bill Vol 2. While technically, these films cover one story, they also feel like decidedly different movies. There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to the story of The Bride and her ...