A scene, reminiscent of the popular movie Munna Bhai MBBS, unfolded at Mumbai University’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil (KBP) Boys Hostel. High-pitched drama erupted on the Kalina campus on Tuesday ...
Mumbai, Members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad on Thursday protested at Mumbai University’s Kalina campus over alleged administrative irregularities and mistreatment of students by ...
Mumbai: Kalina residents are planning a massive protest against an assistant engineer of BMC’s H/East ward as the latter failed to reply to the residents’ complaint about the ‘Golden Gate’.
On December 5, 2008, the Kalina observatory had recorded 37.7 degrees Celsius, Sushma Nair, scientist with IMD Mumbai, said. It was just last week - on November 29 - that Mumbai recorded a minimum ...