从小接触红白机和GB的玩家一定还记得,当年那种「50合一」甚至「100合一」的盗版卡带,商家会把一大堆游戏做成合集放到一张卡里。但这种卡往往好游戏也就那么屈指可数的几个,而且还很容易掉档!如今的NS卡带也有这种「N合一」的版本,一张卡带里会包含多款游 ...
近日,网络上流传出了一组据称是任天堂新一代掌机Switch 2的实物照片,引发了玩家们的广泛关注和热议。这组照片不仅展示了新掌机的外观设计,还透露了一些关键的设计细节。
近期,任天堂新一代游戏机(暂称Switch 2)的设计细节意外泄露,引发了游戏界的广泛关注。多家配件制造商纷纷曝光了该主机的设计图,使得外界得以一窥其真容。这一系列泄露事件不仅让玩家对新主机充满期待,也引起了业内分析师的密切关注。
Many expect a super strong lineup of titles at the launch of Nintendo Switch 2, but how big can things really get?
自 2017 年任天堂 Switch游戏机上市以来,已经过去了七年多的时间。 这款游戏机凭借其革命性的模块化设计和丰富的游戏库,至今仍在市场上占有 ...
In the absence of any official communication, accessory company Satisfye appears to have leaked the design of the Nintendo ...
It's official: a successor to the Nintendo Switch will be announced "within the fiscal year" according to Nintendo, which means that we will see it before 31 March 2025. The wait is on now that we ...
The best Nintendo Switch games are bound to offer you unforgettable adventures on the hybrid handheld console. There's something incredibly special about being able to experience a great game in ...