Over 50 thousand manuscripts are read and assessed for quality and integrity each year by Nature and the Nature research journals, but less than 10% of these papers will be selected by our highly ...
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles and their antimatter counterparts, inside the Large Hadron ...
The Nature journals and other journals published by Springer Nature are committed to providing the highest standards of service to authors in their submission and peer-review processes.
and is one of the rapidly expanding stable of Nature journals. As with other Nature journals, there is no external Editorial Board, with editorial decisions being made by an in-house team ...
According to the Journal Citation Reports, Nature Neuroscience has a 2010 impact factor of 14.191, ranking it 5th among 239 journals in the category "Neuroscience".
The elements of human nature which enter most potently into ... If the advertising pages of our magazines and papers were given over alone to the carefully phrased statements of conservative ...
Sony Group Corp. and Nature magazine have founded an international prize that honors outstanding female researchers who are working in the field of technology. The “Sony Women in Technology ...