Singer Neha Kakkar has shared a few romantic images with hubby Rohanpreet Singh from their Paris vacation. In the pictures, the couple is seen stealing a kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower.
In past one year, the music world has been buzzing with the ongoing debate over Neha Kakkar’s new song, "O Sajna." This song is a remix of Falguni Pathak’s iconic 1999 hit "Maine Payal Hai ...
While Neha Kakkar fell off the Forbes India Celebrity 100 list in 2018, her rank went from 64 in 2017 to 29 in 2019. Kakkar had among the most live shows this year, and sang for hit songs such as ...
One of India’s biggest stars is set to headline a brand new music festival in Dubai next week. Neha Kakkar is a charismatic star of India’s booming Bollywood music scene with millions of adoring fans.