Networking habits change with changing communication methods. Paper business cards have been around for ages as a way to ...
While entangled photons hold incredible promise for quantum computing and communications, they have a major inherent disadvantage. After one use, they simply disappear.
Modern telecommunications infrastructure integrates voice, messaging, video conferencing and presence information into a ...
Packet Architects offers a series of high speed switching/routing IP cores developed using the unique FlexSwitch tool-chain. This allows us to provide an optimized custom IP core within days ...
Researchers have demonstrated a prototype mobile all-light communication network, paving the way for seamless connectivity across air, land and underwater environments—even when communication ...
The Zacks Communication - Components industry primarily comprises companies that provide diverse telecom products and services to develop scalable network architecture, demand-driven video ...
Whether you’re accessing sensitive data, bypassing geo-restrictions, or protecting your privacy on public Wi-Fi, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) offers a robust solution. For Linux users, the open ...
The Homeland Security Department's Science and Technology Directorate has an ongoing research program for the development of cellular.