CGI-animated update of the classic children's cartoon from the 1980s. When Dr Claw's new submarine sinks, Inspector Gadget and Talon race to retrieve it from the bottom of the ocean.
CGI-animated update of the classic children's cartoon from the 1980s. When Inspector Gadget comes down with the flu, Penny must go solo and investigate a series of thefts of museum artefacts.
In this sequel to the 1999 live-action adaptation of the popular cartoon, French Stewart ("3rd ... This time around, the Inspector enlists the help of a police robot (Elaine Hendrix) when his ...
Known for his warm and distinctive voice, Hennessey brought life to iconic characters such as Braveheart Lion in The Care Bears, Chief Quimby in Inspector Gadget, and Father Bear in Little Bear.
Dan Hennessey, who is most well-known for his long career as a voice actor of many beloved cartoon characters ... Chief Quimby in Inspector Gadget, and Father Bear in Little Bear.
He was 82. Hennessey is best known for voicing Braveheart Lion in the Care Bears animated series from the 1980s, Chief Quimby in Inspector Gadget (1983), and the voice director for the X-Men ...