Try implementing no-till or strip-till before adding cover crops to smooth the transition. “Switching from tillage to no-till and covers at the same time creates the greatest opportunity for ...
How much time and effort do you spend on your garden’s foundation ... to improve soil quality. 7. Plant cover crops instead of tilling. Why till when you don’t have to? A cover crop helps ...
“That’s the problem. Some people are going to go out and buy that new no-till planting and go plant a cover crop and the yield next year is the same. Well, the soil is still the same soi ...
The rule includes three feedstock crops: corn, soy, and sorghum. It also covers CSA practices that could reduce GHG emissions or sequester carbon, including reduced till and no-till; cover ...
Lisa Blazure, soil health coordinator with Stroud Water Research Center, points out night crawler tunnels in the clay soil beneath Penn England Farm’s cornfield topsoil. Night crawlers are ...