BACKGROUND Polysomnography (PSG) is currently the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of the sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome (SAHS). Nocturnal oximetry (NO) has been used with contradictory results. A ...
Our unit performs nocturnal oximetry studies on night 1 of admission for all CF patients admitted for intravenous antibiotics and discontinues them if oxygenation is normal and the patient improving.
Methods 32 children (16 boys, 50%), homozygous for SCA (HbSS; mean age 8.0 years, range 3.6–15.3 years) underwent motion resistant nocturnal oximetry (Masimo Radical). Iron status was assessed by ...
Introduction Nocturnal pulse oximetry can be used to screen for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) using the McGill Oximetry Score (MOS). The MOS has a time threshold for a technically adequate study of 6 ...
Dr A D Staniforth, Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, Newham General Hospital, Glen Road, Plaistow, London E13 8SL, UK. Objective To determine the prevalence of sleep disordered breathing within a ...
Overnight oximetry (not polysomnography) was used to identify patients with likely CSR in the majority of patients. This does not limit our ability to comment on a link between nocturnal oxygen ...
In commenting on their study, Chaudhary and colleagues said, “We found an association between moderate-to-severe OSA with nAMD using oxygen saturation measurements obtained with objective, overnight ...