Capcom has announced a long-awaited sequel to Okami with original director Hideki Kamiya returning, here’s what this next ...
Capcom is reviving yet another long-dormant franchise. This time, it's Okami 2 and the original director is back. Here's ...
For years, gamers have wanted a sequel to Okami, the gorgeous and innovative action RPG from Hideki Kamiya and Clover Studio, ...
The brief teaser trailer below doesn't reveal much, except for teasing a return to the gorgeous paintbrush art style and a ...
Okami + Kunitsu-Gami Bundle offers up a pair of amazing, innovative games for an inexpensive price during 2024's Steam Winter ...
Okami 2 was one of the big reveals at The Game Awards, and Hideki Kamiya is already hard at work swatting down stupid ...
Onimusha: Way of the Sword is slated for release in 2026 and will introduce a new samurai warrior fighting demons at the ...
A sequel to PS2 and Wii gem Okami is now in development Hideki Kamiya's new studio, Clovers, is heading up development It's ...
Today, it was revealed that the Okami sequel will once again be led by Kamiya, and co-developed by several members of the ...
Hideki Kamiya has stated if he'd continued working for Platinum Games his "artistic spirit [would] die". The former Platinum vice-president has launched a new studio with another former Platinum ...