God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Exalted model of all mothers, Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us. Mother who did suffer so much, Pray for us.
A conciliar document on Revelation (Nov. 18, 1965) in explaining tradition, presented Our Lady as the model of how the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, "grows in the understanding of the realities ...
A priest at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in Spokane, Washington, was attacked during a service on Tuesday (February 4). Rev.
Our Lady of the Miracle, one of the first images of the Immaculate Conception of the ... Since you are the Mother of Jesus and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I beg you to pray for me and obtain for me the ...
It is Our Lady of the Southern Cross to whom WYD08 ... Overshadowed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus, nurtured him as a child, sought him when lost ...
Oh Holy Virgin, Our Lady of Loreto, mother of all believers, you who were chosen by God to be the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, we venerate you with all our hearts and ask for your intercession.